Helping Georgia Residents Get the Benefits They Deserve
If a disability prevents you from working, you may have the right to seek Social Security disability (SSD) benefits. Unfortunately, the process for obtaining these benefits can be lengthy and frustrating. A majority of applicants are initially denied and left to worry about how they will support their families and pay medical bills. However, hiring a lawyer to appeal your denial can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
At the law office of Ellene Welsh, we help clients obtain the Social Security disability payments and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits they need. Practicing law since 1988, attorney Ellene Welsh aggressively stands up for clients with physical and mental disabilities that prohibit them from earning a living. To discuss your claim, call our office at 770-884-1879 or 866-959-2946.
Local Firm Providing Individualized Service
SSD claims and workers' compensation cases can be handled by attorneys all across the nation. However, because the application process is stressful and intimidating, it helps to be able to walk into your attorney's office and speak with someone face to face about your claim. That's why we concentrate on serving individuals in Douglasville and West Georgia.
Being a local firm, we are able to offer personalized service to our clients. Throughout the process, we will represent you at hearings, keep in close contact with you and stay on top of every detail. Further, we know the doctors, clinics and other medical providers in the area and are able to advise uninsured or financially distressed clients about available resources for free or reduced-cost health care treatment or prescription medications.
Vigorously Challenging Claim Denials
To file an initial claim, an applicant must apply in person at the local Social Security office. If your claim is denied, as so many are, you have the right to begin the appeals process. It is at this point, assistance of an experienced attorney is invaluable in order to ensure you have the proper documentation and to represent you at any hearings.
Risk-Free Initial Consultation
Our firm is not a nationwide mill that churns out case after case. We thoroughly evaluate and handle each claim on an individual basis. Here, clients are more than just case numbers. To discuss your situation, please request a free consultation.
Our firm handles SSD cases on a contingency fee basis. That means you pay us no attorney fees until we successfully obtain benefits for you.
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