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Physicians - Other Specialists

Part of correcting the problem of back pain is knowing what works and what doesn't. The latest researchpublished by orthopedic journal Spine demonstrates how effective chiropractic care can be.
For chiropractic in Augusta GA, Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic has great success treating athletes for IT Band Syndrome (runners knee).
Treatments for Scoliosis in Augusta, GA
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Augusta GA Chiropractors Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic have had great success in treating children with varying degrees of scoliosis.
Treatments for Muscle Spasms in Augusta GA
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As Augusta GA Chiropractors, Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic successfully treats the most common cause of muscle spams by correcting joint function.
Treatment for Acid Reflux in Augusta GA
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If you are suffering from acid reflux, call Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic today for a complimentary consultation with an experienced chiropractor in Augusta GA,
Treatment for Tendonitis in Augusta GA
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As chiropractors in Augusta GA, Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic regularly treats patients and specifically athletes with tendonitis, in addition to working with them to avoid future injuries.
A Burner or Stinger is an intensely painful nerve injury which most often occurs in contact or collision sports like football, wrestling, and snow skiing.
Treatment for Knee Pain in Augusta GA
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A consultation with a chiropractor in Augusta GA that has a good track record of successfully treating conditions related to the knee could help you determine how to improve your condition.
Treatment for Foot Problems in Augusta, GA
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When our feet do not have the arch support we now know to be so important, our bodies can start having problems.
Treatment for Foot Pain in Augusta GA
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When our feet do not have the arch support we now know to be so important, our bodies can start having problems. These problems can start innocently enough, but the consequences can be severe.
Scoliosis Specialist for Children in Augusta GA
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When someone develops a slightly greater curve than “normal” it is called Scoliosis.
Treatment for Shin Splints in Augusta GA
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Shin splints, the catch-all term for lower leg pain that occurs below the knee either on the front outside part of the leg or the inside of the leg, are the bane of many athletes.
TMJ Specialist in Augusta GA TMJ Specialist in Augusta GA
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TMJ makes simple functions such as eating, chewing, swallowing, laughing, and yawning a difficult and painful process. A good night’s sleep is also a real problem for TMJ sufferers.
Herniated Disc Specialist in Augusta GA
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To schedule an appointment with an experienced Augusta GA Chiropractors, you can call (706) 814-5053.
Myofascial pain syndrome is characterized by muscle pain, tenderness, and spasm.
Cold Laser Therapy in Augusta GA
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The Class IV K-Laser is at the heart of our treatment program, and it provides a safe, effective, non-invasive, painless solution for patients with Repetitive Strain injuries.
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