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Treatment with a Frozen Shoulder Syndrome Specialist in Augusta GA
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Frozen shoulder is a disorder characterized by pain and loss of motion or stiffness in the shoulder. Pain due to frozen shoulder is usually dull or aching

Treatment with a Frozen Shoulder Syndrome Specialist in Augusta GA

Frozen shoulder is a disorder characterized by pain and loss of motion or stiffness in the shoulder.  Pain due to frozen shoulder is usually dull or aching. It can be worsened with attempted motion. The pain is usually located over the outer shoulder area and sometimes the upper arm. The hallmark of the disorder is restricted motion or stiffness in the shoulder. The affected individual cannot move the shoulder normally. Motion is also limited when someone else attempts to move the shoulder for the patient. 

Also referred to as adhesive capsulitis, Frozen Shoulder Syndrome involves a painful, stiff shoulder with inflammation that results in the tightening of the soft tissue around the shoulder joint. In the early stages of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome, this can be a very painful condition. At rest and during use extreme pain can be felt in the shoulder and with certain movements the arm can feel as though it is “stuck”. Active (the ability to move your shoulder) and passive range of motion (the ability to have someone else move your arm) is affected, restricting movement of your arm. It is unclear the exact cause of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome, nonetheless it has been found to affect two to five percent of the general population. Fairly common factors that can increase your risk to Frozen Shoulder includes a history of shoulder trauma, long periods of shoulder immobilization, diabetes, stroke, Parkinson disease and some thyroid disorders. It typically affects one shoulder (left or right) but can develop in both. Women are found to be more affected than men.

There are two classifications of adhesive capsulitis:

  • Primary - where there is no significant reason for pain or stiffness.  
  • Secondary - Which follows as a result of an event such as trauma, surgery or illness.

Common issues include:

  • Unable to reach above shoulder height
  • Unable to throw a ball
  • Unable to quickly reach for something
  • Unable to reach behind your back eg bra or tuck shirt
  • Unable to reach out to your side and behind. eg reach for seat belt
  • Unable to sleep on your side.

 Signs: the physical exam of a frozen shoulder demonstrates loss of both active and passive motion. This motion loss may be globally restricted in all ranges or may be focally restricted in specific ranges. Loss of internal rotation (ability to put the hand behind the back) is usually the most affected. Strength testing generally indicates intact rotator cuff function. Rotation of the ball in the socket is smooth and without grating as occurs in arthritis.

How Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic Can Help
Since nerves supplying the shoulder joint and surrounding tissues originate in the neck, it is always advisable to have your chiropractor assess your neck for vertebral subluxations if you are suffering from this, or any other painful shoulder condition. Restoring proper movement in the spine can help assist proper nerve function in the shoulder area. This can contribute to your recovery.  Frozen Shoulder Syndrome is a condition that typically can be managed and resolved effectively through our customized care as specialized Augusta GA chiropractors at Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic.  Frozen shoulder is usually managed conservatively, with surgery as a last measure if all other attempts fail.

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Augusta GA Chiropractors Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic provide customized chiropractic treatments.