CTK now has an online Photo Directory. This directory is password protected, in order to view the directory you need to email churchdirectory@ctklutheran.com and request the password. Make sure to include your full name as it appears on the membership roster.
Worship and Music Ministry News
Keys for Gods Kingdom - Organ Fund Have you noticed the poster in the narthex with the picture of a new, beautiful organ? Wont it be great when that instrument graces our sanctuary? The sound will be amazing and will allow for a richer musical experience in our worship. We have surpassed half of our goal of $40,000!! Thanks to all who have contributed to this effort. You are part of a legacy as we expect our new organ to service us for the next half a century! Wow!
November 7 - All Saints Day We honor our loved ones who have passed on in many ways. In our church we honor those passed on All Saints Day, November 7. We will have tables set up that day for your remembrances (pictures or special items) that you might like to bring to help feel the presence of those who are no longer with us. Look for more information in the bulletin soon!
November 14 - Veterans Day Pastors are planning a special service for our veterans on November 14. We would like to set up a display in the narthex of pictures and memorabilia from our service men and women. Please give your items to one of the Pastors so that we can set up before the services. Watch the bulletin for reminders.
Appalachian service - Honor our Heritage How would you like to step back in time and worship as our ancestors did in early America in this region? What a fun and educational opportunity for our youth! Dinner on the grounds, Appalachian instruments and songs, overalls and long dresses! We need your input and planning. See pastors or Dottie Culver. Target date is November.
Sunday, November 28 - Hanging of the Greens. In preparation for advent, the church will be decked out on this day! A service is being planned by WELCA members. This is a wonderful time to talk about advent and the tradition of the Crismon tree. All of the ornaments on the tree have special meaning and most have been lovingly hand - made by some of our members.
Sunday, December 12 - Christmas Cantata. The senior choir will present their Christmas Cantata at the 8:15 and 11:00 a.m. services. The Sunday school children will present their program, The Plane Truth about Christmas, during the 9:30 a.m. service. This is always a special time for us as we prepare for the Christmas season!
Christmas Eve, December 24 Three services will be offered. Plan to attend at least one! 6:00 p.m. - a family friendly service; 8:00 p.m. - a more contemporary music service with special music beginning at 7:30 p.m.; and 10:00 p.m. - a candlelight service with special music beginning at 9:30 p.m.
Children's and Family Ministries Upcoming Events
SPARK: Activate Faith - For children ages 3 through 5th grade Our Sunday School program will be centered in the Augsburg Fortress rotation curriculum, SPARK: Activate Faith. Spark is a Bible-centered curriculum built on traditional Christian values. To learn more about SPARK please see the website at www.activatefaith.org. Spark is for children who are at least 3 years old through 5th grade. All parents with participating children are asked to give at least three (3) Sundays a year to help. Think of these classes as thematic unitstry to attend all of the Sundays in each unit.
Main Bible Point: The Greatest Gift of All!
If you are interested in learning more about this curriculum, there will be a meeting on Sunday, August 8, immediately following the 11:00 a.m. service. This will be an information and training session for the volunteers that have already signed up. We welcome all who would like to learn more about this program.