Loganville Dialysis Center is an independently owned and operated facility and is conveniently located on Atlanta Highway in Loganville in the Faiths Crossing Shopping Center. There are various treatments for kidney disease. We specialize in hemo dialysis, peritoneal dialysis and home dialysis treatment. We can help you select which is best for your health and your lifestyle. Our permanent patient’s live throughout Walton, Gwinnett and Covington counties and our vacationing and seasonal patients arrive from all areas of the United States. We have comfortable reclining chairs and cable television at every station. Educational programs are provided to patients and their families about kidney disease and various treatment options on a monthly basis. Support groups are also available. Our goal is to maximize our patient’s quality of life while providing a professional and friendly atmosphere.
In addition to our medical director Dr. Abid Bashir, we have we have a full nursing staff, dietary counselor and social worker.
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