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Holy Trinity Catholic Church
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Catholic Church of the Archiocese of Atlanta. Copyright 2006-2009. Holy Trinity Catholic Church. 101 Walt Banks Road, Peachtree City, GA 30269
Address101 Walt Banks Rd Peachtree City, GA 30269-4058
Phone(770) 487-7672 487-7672
Parish Registration Form

1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion

Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday 4pm
Donations to send to Father Kevin Peek in Afghanistan
Now through Tuesday, November 23
Father Kevin is requesting school supplies for the children in Afghanistan and simple cold weather wear for children and adults. The Power and Praise group will be collecting these in bins setup in the Church Vesibule.

The Knights of Columbus Christmas Card Sales
Saturday & Sunday, November 27 & 28
The Knights of Columbus will be selling Christmas Cards for our Soldiers after all Masses on the last two weekends of November. You buy the cards and our Airport Ministry will take them to the Atlanta airport in December, and give them to the soldiers in the USO there. Please help us let our service men and women know how much we support them, and that they are especially in our hearts and prayers at Christmas. (P.S. You will also be able to buy cards for your own use!)

Holy Trinity Gift Shop
Sundays, 8;15am - 1:45pm November 28; December 5, 12 & 19, January 9
Mondays, 12noon - 3pm
November 22; December 6, 13 & 20; January 10
Wednesdays, 4pm - 8pm

The Gift Shop will be open on the days indicated above during the Christmas Season. If you are looking for an item that is not in our inventory, we can special order it for you. Deadline for special orders is Wednesday, December 1.

Holy Trinity Basketball Team
SPORTS TICKER....Our parish basketball team lost a hard fought battle, 46-33, to Our Lady of Mercy in the final weekend of the Catholic men's league. Will Bernardi led our offensive effort with 13 points but it was not enough as the determined senior Bobcats were tied for the league title. Kevin Keysar was named to the elite All League Team for the second time as voted by his peers. Our Lady of Lourdes won the championship after being tied with a 8-2 record with Mercy but won the tie breaker having scored more overall points in the season. Congratulations to our men for a great season!!

Holy Trinity 10th Annual Thansgiving Dinner

We invite all Holy Trinity parishioners, theier families and their friends to come with their favorite dish and enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving celebration at 4pm in Loreto Hall. We are offering rides to those who may need them. Please call to make your reservations with the Faith Formation Office at (770) 487-0175 with your name, phone number, number of guests and the dish you will be bringing to share. If you need transportation, also include your address.

Saint Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Collection

The Monthly Loaves & Fishes collection will be held on Thursday, November 25.

Saint Vincent de Paul Giving Tree
Thursday, November 25 - Sunday, December 12
The annual Giving Trees will be in the Vestibule again this year. Please help make Christmas a little brighter for families in need by taking an ornament or two, purchase the items listed on the back, wrap the gift and attach the original ornament. Gifts need to be returned to the vestibule no later than Sunday, December 12.

First Friday Senior Luncheon Friday, December 3
Following the noon Mass on Friday, November 5, all Seniors are welcome to come to Loreto Hall and feast on a meal prepared especially for them by our Holy Trinity Senior Luncheon Ministry.

We are pleased to present Michael & Mary Poirier as our speakers at our annual event following the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday.

Baptism Preparation Class Sunday, December 5, 11am
Baptism Preparation Classes are held the on the 1st Sunday of each month in the Library in Loreto Hall.

Volunteers are need to make and drop off meals in Loreto Hall's kitchen on Thursday for other needed volunteers to deliver to the Central Presbyterian Night Shelter. If you can help, please contact the Parish Office at (770) 487-7672 and ask for Karen Ratcliffe's contact information.

The next Healing Masses for October will be Tuesday, December 14 at 6:30pm and Friday, December 17, at noon..

Parish Offices will be closed, but the Blood Drive will be open! Donors should be18+ years of age (16 with parental permission.) Please help give the gift of life. A signup sheet is available in the Church Vestibule or call Dan Law at (770) 631-6779 for information and to schedule an appointment.

23 - Deadline for Donations for Father Kevin
25 - Thanksgiving Dinner 4pm - Loaves & Fishes Collection
27 & 18 - St. Vincent de Paul door collection
30 - St. Mary Magdalene Penance Service

December 1 - Deadline for Gift Shop Special Orders 4 - Advent by Candlelight
4 & 5 - KofC selling Christmas Cards 5 - Baptismal Prep Class 5 - Children's Cantata 6 - St. John the Evangelist Penance Service - St. George Penance Service 7 - Immaculate Conception Vigil Mass at 6:30pm 8 - Immaculate Conception Holy Day of Obligation Parish Offices Closed 9 - Holy Trinity Penance Service 9 - Night Shelter Meals
11 - Festival of Lessons & Carols
12 - Breakfast with Santa
12 - Virgen de Guadalupe
14 - Healing Mass - St. Philip Benizi Penance Service
16 - St. Matthew Penance Service
17 - Healing Mass - San Felipe de Jesus Penance Service - Holiday Parents Night Out
25 - Christmas Day

January 1 - Mary, Mother of God 6 - Epiphany 8 - Couples in Christ 9 - Singles Mingle
11 - Healing Mass

4-6 - EDGE Retreat 5 - Mark Sholander Deaconate - Boys Scouts Pine Wood Derby
6, 7, 8, 9 - Parish Mission 8 - Healing Mass
10 - Night Shelter Meals - Deadline for Night Shelter Book Donations

5 & 6 - Men's CRHP 8 - Healing Mass
10 - Night Shelter Meals

19 - First Communion Retreat
19 - Primera Comunión - Retiro
26 - Feria de Salud

Keep informed with our Constant Contacts

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