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Everybody needs a little TLC...
We are coming up on the season of Thanksgiving
We are all looking for acceptance and Love
There are plently of ways we can show others Compasssion
as we discuss TLC - Thanksgiving, Love, & Compassion.
If you have not had the opportunity to visit us live and in person, be sure to go to the section titled "What To Expect" where you will find lots of helpful information about what to expect when you attend one of our weekend services. Thank you for visiting the site. We look forward to having an opportunity to meet you very soon!
If you have attended our services, be sure to click the "Get Involved" button on the main menu. You can also find more detailed information about our church and volunteer opportunities in our section titled "Regular Attenders."
The paged titled "About Us" is all about the Mission, Vision & Values that guide everything that we do. This section also provides information on how we partner together in Covenant Relationships to share life, pursue God, and make an impact in our community and world together.
We are a Church of God (Cleveland, TN) congregation and member of the Willow Creek Association that values a "multi-denominational" or "inter-denominational" expression of faith and worship. We accept the Bible, Old and New Testaments, as God's Word, and our guide for faith and living. Our teaching aligns with that of the accepted Evangelical Christian traditions, although our style is relaxed and casual.