Need an Atlanta Therapist or a Licensed Psychologist in the Atlanta area? Powers Ferry Psychological Associates is a private practice with 19 independent clinicians with locations in Marietta, Buckhead, and Canton. Each Atlanta psychologist listed here has expertise in a wide variety of psychological problems including Depression, Anxiety, Marital or Couples Counseling, Sex Therapy, Eating Disorders, ADHD, Child and Adolescent Psychological assessment and treatment, and Family Counseling.
We share a belief that psychological services should be as widely available as possible. To help make this possible, we share expenses and overhead so that we keep our costs as low as possible. All of us are on at least some insurance panels and have a policy of using a sliding scale to make services easier to afford.
CNN Health Minute reports on how PFPA psychologist teaches moms to be healthy-body role models for their children. Learn More...
Motor SkillsLanguageCognitive AbilitiesSocial SkillsBehavior
Find out with a brief Developmental Screening for preschoolers . As you are probably aware, research indicates that early diagnosis and treatment of developmental delays is critical in resolving problems in these areas so that they do not persist, or worsen, as children get older. Learn More...
Bridging The Interface Between Behavior and Health
The specialty of clinical health psychology applies scientific knowledge of how learning, memory, perception, cognition, and motivation influence health behaviors, are affected by and affect response to physical illness/injury/disability, and the psychological impact of acute and chronic health problems. Learn More...
Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies!
Powers Ferry Psychological Associates is proud to introduce a new program for children and teens! This innovative, holistic 12- week psycho-education group helps overweight children from age 9 to 16. It is designed to enhance self-esteem, improve emotional awareness, and increase childrens ability to make healthy lifestyle choices. Learn More...
We provide our clients with clear help, support, and resources.
We respect ourselves and each other so that we grow strong relationships everywhere we work and live.
We believe that a persons physical environment matters and we strive to make PFPA a warm, relaxing and safe place to be.
We believe in the power of laughter as a means to connect and heal.
We believe in the creative process and encourage creativity and new ideas in ourselves and our clients.
We practice honesty and integrity and believe that they are the cornerstones of therapeutic, business, and personal relationships.
We believe in the impact of partnership and the power of many hearts and minds working in unison.
We believe that honest, sensitive communication supports the evolution of our friendships, work life, and communities.
We are open and affirming of differences in religious and cultural background, gender identity, and sexual orientation; we believe that we are all in this together.
We believe that our core values and beliefs shape our entire life and so we are open to being reminded of these.
We have a strong commitment and involvement in our community.
Find an excellent therapist in Atlanta with offices in Marietta, Buckhead, or Canton, Georgia, by clicking on "Meet our Therapists."