Dock building is serious business at Monty Walker dock builders...
Hello! I am Monty Walker a local dock builder in the Savannah, GA. and surrounding areas. I have been
designing, and building docks since 1974, using some of the best marine construction techniques in the world,
that are available today.
It all began when I was 14 years old and decided to help my father build our personal dock out the back yard
along the Wilmington River, which is were I lived since I was around 12 years of age. Soon after completing our
new dock I realized that I had learned some essential skills in crafting the construction of personal docks; to
include walkways, platforms and floating docks. While most of my friends were cutting yards for extra money, I
was building docks for all my neighbors down the river. Before I had knew it I had worked on or repaired almost
every dock along the Wilmington River.
Many years later, I had established quite the reputation of doing quality work on docks and seawalls. This
lucrative business has now grown to having 10 guys, working on my crews in the continuous effort to create
pathways to the sea for local homeowners to enjoy the natural surrounding beauty that Savannah, GA. offers.
Serving Georgia and South CarolinaRichmond Hill, GA - 912.727.3625 Savannah, GA - 912.897.7109 Hilton Head Island, SC - 843.681.3647
MARINE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION “Your Pathway to the Sea!”
Branches and additional offices:
(912) 897-7109105 Talbot Rd Savannah, GA 31410-4015