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An estimated 670,000 women in the United States, and about 10,000 women in Georgia, undergo hysterectomies each year.
Latest News & Procedures Her Option® Treatment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Her Option® is a procedure to treat abnormal uterine bleeding or “menorrhagia” (men-or-ra-jah), a medical term for menstrual periods that are too heavy, too frequent, or last too long. Her Option is designed for office use with women’s comfort in mind. The procedure typically takes 20 to 30 minutes and uses cryoablation (cold temperatures). Cold has a natural analgesic affect, reducing pain associated with the procedure. Her Option is a natural choice for women with heavy periods who are looking for an alternative to a hysterectomy and have a desire to maintain their natural hormones.
Essure Permanent Birth Control
Essure is a permanent birth control procedure that works with your body to create a natural barrier against pregnancy. This gentle procedure can be performed in a doctor's office in less than an hour. Trusted by women and doctors for over five years, Essure is covered by most insurance providers. If the Essure procedure is performed in a doctor's office, depending on your specific insurance plan, payment may be as low as a simple co-pay.
Preventive/Prophylactic Removal of Ovaries and Tubes Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy. In spite of all the advances, screening for and detection of ovarian cancer in it's early stages remains elusive.
Laparoscopic Excision/Removal of Benign Mass on Ovaries and Tubes Abnormal or large masses on ovaries and/or tubes are commonly detected on different imaging techniques such as ultrasound (sonogram), CT scan and MRI.
Welcome to AMIGS With continual advances in medical science the advent of minimally invasive techniques such as laparoscopy has brought big benefits to patients in Atlanta, Georgia. Women who require gynecologic procedures now have less invasive, safer and more acceptable options to traditionally painful and serious surgery.
At the forefront of these new minimally invasive procedures is Nathan Mordel, M.D., founder of Atlanta Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Center, LLC (AMIGS) at Piedmont Hospital. Dr. Mordel is certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, is a Fellow of American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a Member of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists, and is a Clinical Assistant Professor of OB/GYN at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Atlanta Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Center offers the latest techniques in gynecologic and urogynecologic surgery. In addition to these minimally invasive surgical procedures, Atlanta Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Center also offers advanced pelvic surgery, including vaginal and abdominal surgery, and on-site vaginal ultrasound evaluation of pelvic organs and urodynamics testing of bladder dysfunction.