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Saint Brendans Catholic
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st brendan catholic community church cumming georgia.
Address4633 Shiloh Rd Cumming, GA 30040-7456
Phone(770) 205-7969
St. Brendan the Navigator
a Catholic Community of the Archdiocese of Atlanta

2010-2011 Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

Infant Baptism Preparation (infants to 7 yrs old)

Minister Notes for Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Adult Faith Formation Offerings — Fall 2010 – Spring 2011

Men’s Group
Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) – September 2010
Small Faith Communities

Emergency Assistance (Good Samaritan Ministry)

St Joseph Food Pantry – 1 Year Update, May 27, 2010

Staff by Department
Directions to St. Brendan’s Catholic Community
Emergency Contact Information

Serving in Stewardship and Administration Ministries

Preschool & 5 year old – Class Information 2010-2011
Pre-School – Mothers Morning Out (MMO)
Pre-School & 5 year olds – 2010-2011 Tuition

St. Brendans HOT TOPICS
November 7th – 10th is a FAITH FORMATION WEEK
Children’s Liturgy of the Word willbe at the Sunday 9am Mass THIS weekend.
PRAYER REQUESTS:For you or your loved ones to be included on the parish prayer list, please direct your request to the parish office or send it directly to with prayerrequest in the subject line. Names remain on the prayer list for three weeks. Please call the church office if a continuation is needed. You are also invited to add your prayer intentions to the book located just inside the doors of the Sanctuary.
ELECTRONIC GIVING: You can give (tithe) electronically! Electronic contributions can be made using checking or savings accounts, debit or credit cards. Simply go to the secureOn-Line Giving link on the parish website tocomplete the authorization or check the bulletin for the form.
THISCOMING WEEKEND: November 6th & 7th
GEORGIA CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERNCE will be at the Georgia International Convention Center on Saturday November 6th.
FAIR TRADE SALE Beautiful gifts from all over the world will beavailable for purchase in the Narthexat ALL Masses this Weekend November 6th – 7th. Get your holiday gifts, hostess gifts, teacher gifts and something for yourself too! Make the world a better place just by shopping.Fair Trade is a way of selling things that makes sure every person who is part of the supply chain is treated with dignity and respect.
FIRST RECONCILIATION WORKSHOP:There will be a parent/student Reconciliation workshop for students preparing to receive the sacrament in December. This workshop will help children better understand the sacrament through interactive lessons and games. Parents and students should attend one of these sessions. Each session begins in the church with instructions and video so please be on time. Saturday November 13th, 10:00amNoon OR 1:003:00pm. Note: The Mock Reconciliation that was scheduled for noon on November 13 has been cancelled and the information that you would have received has been worked into the workshop.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ADULTS:The Church urges the faithful to enter with prudence and charity into discussion and collaboration with members of other religions. (Nostra Aetate, Vatican II). The Adult Faith Formation ministry is proud to present Tayyibah Taylor, who will speak on The Importance of Interfaith Dialogue in our community and world today. There will be time for questions and discussion. All are welcome! Sunday November 21st,10:30amNoon in the Social Hall. Child care is available upon request:
2010 GIVING TREE:This year’s Giving Tree WISH Ornaments will be available beginning the weekend before Thanksgiving, November 20 & 21, and if any are left the following weekend, November 27 & 28. Gifts MUST be returned no later than Sunday December 12th in order to get them to their recipients. Please consider generously supporting this annual outreach event.Contact: Kathy Smeragliuolo –, 770-889-6102 for more information or to volunteer to help.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TRAINING:Training for new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will be held on Saturday December 4th, from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. PLEASE NOTE: Existing EMs who require re-certification may also attend this class to renew their certification. Diane Lacasse –, 404.575.8906 to RSVP or for more information.

SOCK COLLECTION: We will have a bin to collect socks at ALL Masses starting next weekend November 6th through Thanksgiving Day. We need all sizes of warm socks, so bring your own size. This is an easy way for everyone to help make a difference! Our goal is to collect 1,000 pairs of warm socks for the homeless!
THANKSGIVING GOODIE BAGS: We will gather on Thursday November 18th from 4-7pm in the Social Hall to make special bags of treats/snacks and prayer cards to give to the Homeless on Thanksgiving weekend. Bring your extra Halloween treats and other goodies and gather with us as we work together to make Thanksgiving a little more special for those who have so little. If you have left over Halloween treats or other goodies to donate but cant particiapte, please drop them off at the parish office. Great activity for your younger children!
SAFEHOUSE CHILI OUTREACH: Join us as we once again support SafeHouse with their Chili Outreach on November 27th, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Volunteers are asked to be at the venue by 9am and things usually wrap up around 1pm. This is an off-site, controlled environment opportunity that allows people of all ages, especially families with younger children, to personally interact with the homeless. We will have a tent-booth where we will be handing out the socks we collected and the goodie bags we made for the homeless as they receive food, foot care, haircuts, and other services. Please call for specific participation information.
TURKEY SANDWICHES: Once again we will gather in the Social Hall from 9-10:30am on November 27th, the Saturday morning after Thanksgiving, to make Thanksgiving lunches to be given to those living under the Bridges. Bring your left-over turkey or turkey lunch meat, bread, baggies, bottled drinks, snacks & treats and prayer cards. This is a great family activity!
THANKSGIVING BRIDGES MINISTRY: We will again be taking a group to minister to the homeless living under the bridges in Atlanta on November 27th, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We will meet in the social hall at 10:30am to load up the turkey sandwiches/lunches and caravan downtown. We will attend Saturday Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral as part of this event and plan to return home around 7pm. This activity is for adults and high school students, as well as middle school students WITH a parent, and requires a permission slip. Space is limited. Permission slips are due by Friday November 19th. We will need background/driver checked adults to help with this event.

WANTED… Just drop them in thebin in the Usher’s Room

Ink Jet Cartridges (nothing larger than the palm of your hand)

St. Brendans Good Samaritan Outreach Ministry is collecting, for recycling, ALL of theabove itemsas an ongoing fundraiser for outreach ministry.This is a great opportunity to get rid of those old electronic items cluttering up your home or office! Items do not have to be in working order and it doesnt matter how old they are!! Let your friends, neighbors and coworkers know that they can help us help others by donating these items.For your convenience, a labeled Collection Bin is located in the Ushers Room. Sorry, we CANNOT ACCEPT desktop computers, laser or toner cartridges or any electronic accessories/cords/chargers.For additional information, contact Kat Doyle at 770.205.7969 x15 or . Thanks for your support!


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