At the Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion (LCRP) at St. Joseph's/Candler, advanced technology and compassionate care combine to create one of the most innovative oncology programs in the Southeast. It was named in honor of the generous support provided by Nancy and J.C. Lewis, one of Savannahs most philanthropic families.
The LCRP is home to a cadre of highly trained cancer specialists, high-impact technological screening and treatment, research and clinical trials, community outreach and education, and an outstanding array of services specific tocancer patients and their families.
At the LCRP a new form of cancer care has evolved that promotes:
patient-first care among all services from medical to supportive care
collaboration with your primary care physician and our multidisciplinary medical teams in the development of your care plan
convenient patient access
programs to enhance the doctor-patient relationship
appropriate complementary therapies
comprehensive clinical care using advanced technologies
post-treatment survivorship planning.
Cancer Action Teams are composed of physicians with related specialties and support personal who meet monthly.
Our teams include :
Breast Cancer Gastrointestinal (GI) Genitourinary (GU) Head and Neck Thoracic(Lung) ...learn more
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