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"Apostle Jannie is a true woman of God. She is a preacher, and teacher of God's Word.
AddressLawrenceville, GA 30049-
Phone(636) 233-1671
been under the death sentence without knowing it.
And why? Because of that person's failure to believe in the
one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to Him." {JOHN 3:16-18, The Message Bible}

The Scripture says, 11 No man who believes in Him {who adheres to, relies on, and trusts in Him} will {ever} be put to shame or be disappointed. 12 {No one} for there is no distinction between Jew and Greek. The same Lord is Lord over all {of us} and He generously bestows His riches upon all who call upon Him {in faith}. 13 For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord {invoking Him as Lord} will be saved. {Romans 10:11-13, The Amplified Bible}.

Focusing on the whole man; spirit, soul and bodydedicated to teaching and preaching the Word of God with signs and wonders following, that the world may see, experience, and come to know the only true and living God, through his Son, Jesus Christ.

"Apostle Jannie is a true woman of God. She is a preacher, and teacher of God's Word. When she ministers, the anointing comes forth and the manifestations of the gifts are evidence of the power of the Holy Spirit. The prophetic gift in her ministry is so powerful that there is no question whether or not it is from God because changes occur immediately. After losing my job, children and becoming homeless due to alcoholism and crack addiction, the only thing left was suicide, which I attempted but the prayers of the righteous availeth much. My friend and this servant of God upheld me when I was too weak and blind in sin. This anointed woman of God prayed for me and more importantly, did not judge me nor condemn me, but loved me with the love and patience of Christ Jesus. I have gained my children and family back along with my grandchildren whom I have brought to the Lord. I gained much more than I lost. After more than twenty years of true deliverance, I thank and praise God for the true meaning of the word, which she lives. "Pray ye one for another," for we are our brother's keeper. With God's favor and blessings through true mentoring, training and teaching by God's servant, I have accepted the call of God and was ordained by His servant. I still stand in awe as I witness the manifestations of His anointing power and the gifts of this humble woman of God. To God be all the glory!


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