Larry Kohn Atlanta DUI Defense Attorney
There to Defend Your Rights
While today’s media may make lighthearted jokes about celebrities and their DUI charges, it’s important to understand that if you face a DUI charge, this is a serious offense! And like many victims of a DUI charge, this is probably your first run-in with law enforcement and you’re finding the experience not only humiliating, but confusing.
In fact, it’s so confusing that you probably were not aware that the State of Georgia requires two separate cases for a DUI charge (one with the Department of Motor Vehicle Safety and the other in criminal court.) Suddenly, you’re realizing that you could lose your driver’s license, face expensive fines and even end up in jail. Well you might as well throw in the towel now. You’ve seen what happens to drunk drivers on TV and you don’t stand a chance in court, right? With Larry Kohn in your corner, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Larry knows that police are only human and that they can make mistakes. He also knows that field sobriety tests, breath tests and the circumstances surrounding your arrest can work in your favor once the truth is uncovered. So before you discard the notion of hiring a DUI defense attorney, speak with Larry first.
So, remember a DUI charge does not have to result in a DUI conviction,but if your seriously considering hiring Larry, don’t wait! You only have ten days following the date of your DUI arrest before the administrative license hearing with the State of Georgia, and you will want Larry there to help fight for your driver’s license. Submit your case online to schedule a free, in-person case evaluation.