Swim-Team.us is a one stop destination for all the management features a swim team and/or swim league needs. Unlike other team management websites, ours is a comprehensive site that aims to provide every possible solution for a swim team right on their computer or tablet screens. However, no matter how comprehensive our services are, we are very particular when it comes to swim teams who approach us and hence focus only on summer league and high school swimming teams. With Swim-Team.us swim teams can gather and manage all of their team details in a single database that is easy to use and access as well. Online registration, Volunteer management, Hy-Tek integration, Team sponsors management, Email and text communication are the various services we provide to swim teams to manage their teams. The site provides additional features such as Team pages, Map of all teams, League/Division standings, League meet schedule, Documents sharing, Roster and parent data, Fee collection, Meet management rules and Championship volunteers for league teams. In addition to team management services, we also provide products such as Ribbon books, Swim caps and other swimming related accessories. All in all, we are dedicated to help swim teams to communicate, organize and come out victorious by providing an all-in-one team management software, for a price tailored to meet their budget. For more information, visit http://www.swim-team.us/home/index.asp and http://www.swim-team.us/home/aboutus.asp.