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Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic - Articles and publications

Part of correcting the problem of back pain is knowing what works and what doesn't. The latest researchpublished by orthopedic journal Spine demonstrates how effective chiropractic care can be.
For chiropractic in Augusta GA, Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic has great success treating athletes for IT Band Syndrome (runners knee).
Treatments for Scoliosis in Augusta, GA
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Augusta GA Chiropractors Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic have had great success in treating children with varying degrees of scoliosis.
Treatments for TMJ (Jaw Pain) in Augusta GA
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Augusta GA Chiropractors Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic have had great success in treating patients with TMJ.
Treatment for Headaches in Augusta GA
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If you’re suffering from headaches and are tired of taking pain-relieving medications, call Augusta GA Chiropractors Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic at 706-814-5053.
Treatments for Muscle Spasms in Augusta GA
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As Augusta GA Chiropractors, Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic successfully treats the most common cause of muscle spams by correcting joint function.
Treatment for Herniated Disc in Augusta GA
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As experienced chiropractors in Augusta GA, Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic has great success in treating herniated discs, in addition to other conditions that cause back pain.
Treatment for Sciatica in Augusta GA
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The goal of chiropractic treatment for sciatica is to find where the pressure on the sciatic nerve is, and remove it. Chiropractic reduce pressure from vertebral misalignments and spinal degeneration.
Ankle Pain and Ankle Injury in Augusta GA
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Augusta GA Chiropractors Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic have great success in treating a range of conditions that lead to ankle pain.
Treatment for Migraines in Augusta GA
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If you’re a migraine sufferer and you’re tired of dealing with migraines, we would be more than happy to sit down with you to see if our chiropractic in Augusta GA may be the right treatment for you.
Treatment for Acid Reflux in Augusta GA
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If you are suffering from acid reflux, call Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic today for a complimentary consultation with an experienced chiropractor in Augusta GA,
Treatment for Tendonitis in Augusta GA
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As chiropractors in Augusta GA, Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic regularly treats patients and specifically athletes with tendonitis, in addition to working with them to avoid future injuries.
The most common cause of thoracic outlet syndrome is pressure on the nerves or blood vessels that go to the arms.
Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis in Augusta GA
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Plantar fasciitis is best treated early. The longer and more severe it becomes, the harder and more involved treatment becomes. Seek help from an experienced provider sooner than later.
Piriformis Syndrome Treatments in Augusta GA
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As experienced Augusta GA Chiropractors, Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic regularly treats patients suffering from piriformis syndrome, many of whom became injured due to sports or athletic activities.
As experienced chiropractors in Augusta GA, we can manually release (or stretch) the muscles and ligaments that may be entrapping the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.
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Business details
Augusta GA Chiropractors Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic provide customized chiropractic treatments.