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First Baptist Church
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First Baptist Church of Bainbridge, GA
Address401 E Shotwell St Bainbridge, GA 39819-4057
Phone(229) 246-1563
We are entering one of the most holy times of year for the Christian. In just a few weeks we will celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Christ. This time of the year is marked with joyous celebrations, decorations, and gift giving. Our festivities revolve around church and family. It is a great time and should be a blessed time.

This is also the time of the year that we, as Southern Baptist, then turn our attention to the celebration of Christmas round the world. No, not in the sense that we celebrate, but in the sense that we should realize most of the world still lives without the knowledge of faith in Jesus, without the gift of Gods love, and without the hope of eternity. The celebration of His birth reminds us of His command to go unto all the world.

One lady, Lottie Moon, left her family to go to China many years ago to tell others about Jesus. Her undying faith and complete commitment to Jesus sustained her through war, disease and distress. Late in her life she left China to return to the United States to ask churches here to support her work and the work of other missionaries of the Southern Baptist Convention. Unfortunately, she died on Christmas Eve of 1912, from starvation after having given her own food to feed the starving Chinese during a famine.

In honor of her sacrifice we are asked to participate in the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. This offering goes to help those serving today as Miss Lottie served almost 100 years ago.

First Baptist Church has a strong tradition of supporting missions in our giving and in our going. On Sunday morning, December 5, we will show our support of missions through our ingathering service. You are asked to bring your mission offering at that time to be placed on the altar in memory of Miss Lottie, in honor of those currently serving in missions around the world, and in obedience to our Savior.

I ask you to pray about the gift you are to bring. Pray remembering that you have not been asked to go and serve, or even to die for missions, only to give. Pray and bring your offering that others may know the joy of Christmas, the Christ who was born our Savior. Give generously, give graciously, give the gift that will allow others to hear the Gospel message.

Thank you Shockwave, Chancel Choir, and the Interpretive Movement Team for your contribution to our Community Thanksgiving Service. Many who attended said it was the best Community Service they had ever attended. It was a true worship experience.

With Thanksgiving behind us, we are officially on our way to the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. We are heading toward Christmas. How do you think you will arrive at Christmas?
Will you be like the Wise men who follow the signs to arrive at the celebration of Christmas and arrive bearing gifts to the King?
Will you be like Mary and Joseph who went to the city of Bethlehem for a census and in their obedience to the civil state, they were also being obedient to God? They arrived ready for a blessing.
Will you be like the Shepherds who werent looking for anything at all but were blessed with the gift of Christmas, the Christ Child? They arrived in awe of what God had done.
How you get from here to Christmas will make a difference concerning how you celebrate?
If you emphasize only the giving or getting aspect of Christmas, you might arrive frustrated and disappointed.
If you emphasize only the parties and gatherings, you might arrive too exhausted to celebrate.
If your emphasis is on the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Christ the Lord, then you will arrive blessed and ready to be blessed.
As we enter this Christmas season let us keep focused on the Lord Jesus and His birth.

A special word of thanks to those of you who invested the time to travel to Albany for the final session of the Georgia Baptist Convention last Tuesday. Junior Hills preaching and the Sons of Jubal were a blessing beyond explanation. I thank each of you for supporting my efforts as I share the gospel through participation in the Sons of Jubal Ministry.

Of all the visual expressions of worship, I am moved most by the powerful and sensitive movements our young ladies. I am blessed in greater ways the more I see their gifts being expressed before us. Thanks to April Aldridge and each of the girls for your hard work and dedication. You bless us!

All Fellowship Club members and seasoned citizens are invited to join us Monday, December 6 at noon for our monthly meeting.
This months meeting will be held at the Emerald Lake RV Resort in Seminole County. The cost of the meal will be $7.50 and will include: Pot roast, ribs, mashed potatoes, Creamed corn, turnip greens, sweet potato souffle, dessert and beverage. We plan to ride together in the church bus (no charge this time). Call the church office ASAP to reserve your place.

All SA members are reminded of our Christmas soup luncheon on Monday, December 13. The noon luncheon will be preceded by a 9:30 AM concert at the Manor and a 10:30 AM concert at Willow Ridge.

The Awana ministry will not be meeting during the month of December due to the special holiday services held each Sunday evening. The start back date for the Awana ministry will be announced at a later time due to the future expansion of the fellowship hall area.

Pancakes, Pajamas & Parents

Christmas Celebration

Saturday December 4

9-11 A.M.

Fellowship Hall

Pre-K thru 4th Grade Join us for a Christmas celebration! All children from preschool to 4th grade are invited to attend along with their parents. Pancakes will be served, Christmas crafts will be made, and best of all pajamas will be worn! Parents please call the church office and let us know how many will be attending from your family! Bro. Earl & The Ministry Team



Thanksgiving Day is a time to gather with family and friends, to give thanks for the many blessings enjoyed by this nation and it's citizens. However, for to many people, its meaning has been lost. it has become simply another day for huge meals, dinner parties, get-togethers or reunions. What does Thanksgiving mean to you?
For me, it truly means being thankful for all of God's blessings which range from our health, family, food and much more. But, it really goes beyond these things. The one true things that I'm thankful for is JESUS! I know He will always be there for me and my family, no matter what.
It's time that we shoul be thankful for the blessings we have in each other as a church. Thanking and Praising God for who HE is and what He has done for us all. Lets take this time to turn our focus on what it truly means to be a "Thankful Christian".

D-Now is still 3 months away, but we, youth ministers in town, are busy putting things together to make this another great year of ministry for our community. For the past couple years, we have had over 300 kids in our community meeting together to worship God through worship and preaching. Many lives are changed because of this weekend and what God does during it.
If you would like to be a host home or a co-host for this weekend, the dates are Feb. 18th-20th. The past couple of years we have had 8 to 10 houses and a co-host for each house. If you feel led to have a house full of kids for this weekend and to see what God can do through you, please contact me and let me know you are interested.

We are collecting food before and during our 30 Hour Famine event happening Dec. 3rd-4th. We will box and bag this food up to be given out to different families during the Christmas season. If you would like to donate to this cause, please bring the food by the office or give to Al on Wednesdays or Sundays.

Next Chapter has been meeting at the Bean for worship and Bible study. Last Sunday we had 25 college students worship with us. Please pray for God to do mighty things with the college ministry in this church and community.


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