Welcome to our office. At Columbus Eye Associates, P.C. you will receive more than just a vision examination. All regular examinations include an internal exam that can detect cataracts and glaucoma, and many systemic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.
The most important thing you can do to preserve your eyesight is to visit your optometric physician for regular checkups.
Columbus Eye Associates, P.C. dates back to 1890. The practice is one of the oldest surviving practices in the State of Georgia. The quality and tradition carries on at Columbus Eye Associates, P.C.
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: To provide uncompromised quality eye care and eye care products for our patients in a friendly professional atmosphere.
Thu 8:30am - Noon
Our office is closed for lunch from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM.
Emergency after hours care is available.
Conveniently located in historic downtown Columbus between 1st and 2nd Avenue. Directly across from the Post Office and Courthouse.
Looking for an optometrist in Hiawassee, Georgia? Check out the Georgia Vision Center! For over 15 years, we have delivered professional, exceptional and personalized eye care services.